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Chrome 100 - Video Issues


Chrome version 100+ will cause video stream issues with our video widget when using Agent 1.6.1 or lower

The recent Chrome 100 upgrade was caused issues with video streams on our video widget. The issue is related to the updates of RTP packets handling for WebRTC traffic in the latest Chrome version.

The fix requires an agent upgrade. A fix is ready in the new agent build and is currently being tested before deploying to our unstable release where customers can pull this down and upgrade their agent.

Current workaround

As the fix is required on the agent, the quick workaround for now is to use a different browser such as Safari or Opera. Older versions of Chrome (< v100) will still also work.


To solve this issue and continue using Chrome please update to the latest unstable build of the agent. This also has a lot of great improvements and new features. Please see this for the Agent release notes.

For information on how to install the latest unstable agent please read this. This is available now.

Please reach out if you have any further questions or issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.