📄️ Creating an Event
This tutorial steps you through creating an Event based on a robot's telemetry data: we are going to set up an Event which detects whenever a virtual robot is moving, and calls an HTTP web-hook in response.
📄️ Getting Started with Spot
Connecting Spot - Automation Portal
📄️ Getting Started with gRPC Using Postman
We highly recommend using the DroneDeploy SDKs for interfacing with the Robotics Automation Platform. However, if you have specific requirements that are not met by the SDKs, you can interface directly with the platform using gRPC.
📄️ Location Based Missions
This tutorial steps you through location based (polygon) mission planning for automated 360 panorama capture (or
📄️ MAVLink: Deploy an ArduPilot Simulator
This tutorial steps through setting up a new project based on a MAVLink template project and then making some of your own modifications.
📄️ Robot to Robot LAN Connectivity
The DroneDeploy agent provides the ability to share data between robots on a local area network (LAN) which opens up a variety of applications. For example:
📄️ ROS: Deploy a TurtleBot Simulator
This tutorial walks you through setting up a new project based on a TurtleBot template project and then making some of your own modifications.