📄️ ANYmal
The ANYmal Component allows you to connect your ANYbotics ANYmal robot to the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal via an ANYbotics server. Communication can occur bidirectionally using the component. This means you can both receive telemetry from and send commands to ANYmal, remotely using the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal.
📄️ Command Executor
The Command Executor component configures the agent to be able to invoke the command linked to robot's onboard functionality. It must be enabled to perform the command execution with the agent.
📄️ Command Receiver
The Command Receiver component configures the agent to establish and maintain a connection to the Robot Automation Platform, or to a local LAN connection, for receiving command messages. It must be enabled to perform remote command execution with the agent.
📄️ Control Receiver
The Control Receiver component configures the agent to establish and maintain a connection to the Robot Automation Platform, or to a local LAN connection, for receiving control messages. It must be enabled to perform remote control functions with the agent, as well as a corresponding protocol-level control component such as ROS or MAVlink.
🗃️ Conversions
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🗃️ DJI Dock
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📄️ File Transfer
The File Transfer plugin allows you to browse the file system of the computer on which the agent is running from the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal, to download files from the robot via your browser, and to upload files from your computer onto the robot via your browser.
📄️ Files
📄️ Flow Engine (Beta)
The Flow Engine Component allows you to use the Automate feature and control the agent with custom workflows.
🗃️ GStreamer
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The HTTP plugin connects the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal to one or more HTTP endpoints, allowing you to integrate your robot which uses HTTP APIs for communication. These HTTP endpoints may be exposed on the robot itself, or available on the LAN the robot is part of.
📄️ Insta360
The insta360 plugin supports an arbitrary number of insta360 cameras connected by USB. The following features are supported:
📄️ Leica BLK ARC
The Agent Leica component allows control over a Leica BLK ARC scanner through the DroneDeploy Ground Robotics platform.
📄️ Map (Beta)
The map plugin allows streaming of spatial data generated by sensors as voxels to visualise the robots surroundings. This can be seen in the local operations view using our voxels scene object.
📄️ MAVLink
The MAVLink plugin allows you to connect your MAVLink based robot to the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal; the plugin communicates as either a MAVLink TCP/UDP server or client.
📄️ Rocos Diagnostics
The Rocos Diagnostics Plugin provides diagnostic information about the DroneDeploy Agent itself, which can be used to diagnose issues, or optimise telemetry performance in view of your network conditions and application requirements.
📄️ ROS
The ROS plugin connects the ROS network on your ROS based robot to the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal. Unlike the ROSBridge plugin, the ROS plugin hooks in directly to ROS without needing any other software installed on the robot - the ROS plugin will appear as a ROS node to other ROS components on your robot.
📄️ ROS2
The ROS2 plugin connects the ROS2 network on your ROS2-based robot to the Rocos platform. In order to use the ROS plugin, it is required to be installed separately beside the rocos-agent. Subsequently, the ROS2 plugin will appear as a ROS2 node to other ROS2 components on your robot.
📄️ Scheduler
The Scheduler component provides the capability to run particular actions onboard your robot periodically according to a predefined schedule. These jobs will run even while the robot is operating offline.
📄️ Service Gateway
The Service Gateway component allows you to configure an Agent on the local network to act as a broker for Services, allowing robots to call Services on other robots while operating in an offline environment. Once configured, service-sender and service-receiver components on other agents on the network can be configured to this gateway, and share Services between them. Contact DroneDeploy's Robotics Support if you think you need to use this feature.
📄️ Service Receiver
The Service Receiver component allows the Agent to establish a connection to the Robot Automation Platform, or to a local LAN gateway, allowing it to receive and execute Services. Because Services are required in order for the Data Picker and Live Data Viewer functionality of the Robot Automation Portal to work correctly, you should not disable this component unless operating in an offline environment.
📄️ Service Sender
The Service Sender component allows the Agent to establish a connection to the Robot Automation Platform, or to a local LAN gateway, allowing it to call Services on other Robots which are part of the same Project. Contact DroneDeploy Robotics Support if you think you need to use this functionality.
📄️ Shell
The Shell Agent Component allows you to invoke individual shell commands on your robot remotely, and also to interact with your robot through a secure remote shell session (refer to Remote Shell Access).
🗃️ Spot
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📄️ System
The System Agent Plugin provides basic system level information of the robot such as CPU, memory, and network usage.
📄️ TCP
The TCP plugin allows communication between a generic TCP client application on a robot and the DroneDeploy Robotics Portal.
📄️ Telemetry Control Bridge
Telemetry Messages are pub/sub type data a Control Message has a destination, rather than a source. The two messages types are not directly interchangeable. As suggested by the name, the Telemetry Control Bridge converts Telemetry Messages into Control Messages.
📄️ Telemetry Gateway
The Telemetry Gateway component allows you to configure an agent on the local network to act as a telemetry broker. Once configured, Telemetry Sender components on other or same agents on the network can be configured to connect to this gateway, and share telemetry data between them. The DroneDeploy SDK in the supported language of your choice can also be used to connect a receiver to the desired data.
📄️ Telemetry Receiver
The Telemetry Receiver component allows the agent to subscribe to telemetry from another robot.
📄️ Telemetry Sender
The Telemetry Sender component configures how the DroneDeploy Agent sends real-time telemetry streams to the Robot Automation Platform and LAN based telemetry gateways. By default there is one configured to send telemetry to the Robot Automation Platform, however you can configure others to send data on the local network, as long as at least one agent installation has the related Telemetry Gateway component configured.
📄️ Video
Please note that this component is deprecated, you should use the new "Gstreamer" component instead, it has better performance and configurability. But you will need to replace you widgets with a new widget so please contact support for help.