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Teleop Gateway

The Teleop Gateway component allows you to configure an agent on the local network to act as a teleoperation broker. Once configured, control commands can be sent to the gateway externally via the conker gRPC api. Teleop-receiver components registered to this gateway can receive the control messages and forward them to controllers such as ROS or MAVlink.


To use the Teleop Gateway plugin, your agent will need a section in its agent-settings.json file which enables the teleop-gateway component, as shown below. For more information on how to configure the agent plugins, see Agent Configuration.

"enabled": true, // set this to true to enable this component
"id": "teleop-gateway", // the unique identifier for this component - don't change this
"settings": {
"address": "", // local address at which to host the gateway server
"logLevel": 3, // the log level for this component. Choose a range between 1 (least verbose) to 6 (most verbose)
"webGateway": true, // OPTIONAL: boolean expression to enable web gateway instance
"webAddress": "" // OPTIONAL: address for the web gateway