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Spot Network Setup - CORE Payload Internet via USB WiFi Adapter

This page outlines the network setup process when using Spot in Access Point mode, and with a USB WiFi adapter plugged directly into the Spot CORE/CORE IO payload.

Accessing Spot’s Admin Console via Ethernet

Plug an Ethernet cable into Spot’s rear ethernet port to get access to Spot’s admin console web page.

Spot’s default IP address at this rear port is:

You need to set your computer ethernet connection details as follows depending on your laptop Operating System:

a) On a MacBook:

b) On a Windows Laptop: can be replaced with any IP address on the same subnet as Spot. E.g.,… But not

Once you have done this and the ethernet cable is plugged in, you can type in your browser. You will be taken to Spot’s admin console page. Make sure to include the https:// in the address.

Setting Up Spot's WiFi

Click on “Network Setup”. Next click on the WiFi tab. You will be taken to a page that looks like this:

Set Wi-Fi Network Type to be: Access Point.

This means that Spot is not connected to a WiFi network but will instead emit its own access point to connect to.

The Payload Network tab should also look as below:

Network Setup for the Spot CORE Payload

Now that Spot’s Wi-Fi is set up, we need to ensure that the Spot CORE is connecting to the internet via the USB wifi adapter.

Navigate to the Payloads tab in the Spot admin console. You should see the Spot CORE there. If you don’t, you need to run through the payload registration process which is outlined in the Boston Dynamics documentation.

Otherwise, click on the Spot CORE payload and scroll to the bottom of the page. You should see the option to navigate to Spot CORE cockpit. Click on this option and login using the required credentials. The defaults are:

user: spot

password: → can be found on a sticker on top of the spot core. This is the default factory password. example below

Go to the networking tab and click on the enp2s0 network adapter.

Add in the following details so that your network setup resembles the image above. Only enter in the following though, nothing else!

· Ensure the address is → This is the default IP address for a rear payload on spot.

· The net mask should be 24

· The gateway should be left empty. When we expect the CORE payload to have internet access through Spot, we set this to Spot's IP address. However, in this case we have internet access via our WiFi adapter in the CORE, and not via our Spot ethernet connection. We therefore want to leave this gateway address empty.

Confirm Spot has internet access by using the terminal in the Spot CORE cockpit page. Type in the following command:


You should receive responses indicating that is reachable. If you do not, reboot the CORE payload and try this terminal command again.

Network Setup for the Spot CORE IO Payload

Note: this requires the Spot CORE IO to be at version 3.2.3 or greater.

Similar to the Spot CORE, the Spot CORE IO has a GUI in which you can configure its network settings.

Navigate to the Payloads tab in the Spot admin console. You should see the Spot CORE IO there. If you don’t, you need to run through the payload registration process which is outlined in the Boston Dynamics documentation.

Otherwise, click on the Spot CORE IO payload and scroll to the bottom of the page. You should see the option to navigate to Spot CORE IO admin console. Click on this option and login using the required credentials. The admin login for the Spot robot itself should be used.

Once logged in, update the CORE IO network settings in the network tab so that your DNS Name Server and Gateway entries are as follows:

  • Gateway: this should be left empty. When we expect the CORE IO payload to have internet access through Spot, we set this to Spot's IP address. However, in this case we have internet access via our WiFi adapter in the CORE. We therefore want to leave this gateway address empty.

Confirm that the CORE IO has internet access:

  • SSH into the CORE IO with an ethernet cable plugged into Spot from your laptop: ssh -p 20022 [email protected]

    • Log in using your CORE IO password when prompted.
  • Now type in the following command:


You should receive responses indicating that is reachable. You should receive responses indicating that is reachable. If you do not, reboot the CORE IO payload and try this terminal command again.

Installing the Rocos agent onto the Spot CORE

Use the terminal in the Spot CORE cockpit page. You can use this to install the agent on the CORE, by following the instructions here:

Connect your own robot: Ubuntu