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The DJI Dock's Robot Profile comes with two dashboards to facilitate monitoring and debugging of the connected DJI Dock.


  1. Wind Speed : Wind speed at the aircraft location in m/s. When the aircraft is flying, this shows the wind speed estimate of the aircraft. When the aircraft is in the dock, this shows the wind speed measured by the dock weather station.
  2. Rain Level : Rainfall intensity at the dock location on a scale from 0 (no rain, <0.01 mm/min) to 3 (heavy rain, >0.8mm/min).
  3. Aircraft Height : Vertical distance of the aircraft from the dock in m (i.e.relative altitude).
  4. Aircraft Distance : Horizontal distance of the aircraft from the dock in m.
  5. Horizontal Speed : Horizontal speed of the aircraft with respect to the ground in m/s.
  6. Vertical Speed : Vertical speed of the aircraft with respect to the ground in m/s.
  7. Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) : Visualization of the aircraft pitch and roll.
  8. Heading Indicator (HI) : Visualization of the aircraft heading.
  9. Payload Camera Stream : Video stream from the aircraft's payload camera.
  10. Dock Camera Stream : Video stream from the dock's cover camera.
  11. Control Panel : Controls to change Dock operation mode and send manual commands (details in Diagnostic).
  12. Status Bar : Dock and aircraft current status (details in Diagnostic).


  1. Flight Mode : Operation mode can be either "Real Flight" or "Simulation Mode". In "Simulation Mode", the dock will still move but the aircraft will never actually take-off. Instead, the flight is simulated on the aircraft computer.
  2. Dock State : Current operational state of the dock (e.g. "Dock Idle", "Dock In Operation").
  3. Aircraft State : Current operational state of the aircraft (e.g. "Standby", "Automatic Takeoff"). The cog turns green when the aircraft is on.
  4. Control Source : Current authority controlling the aircraft. Can be either "Dock (i.e. controller A) or "Pilot" (i.e. controller B).
  5. Radio Signal : Quality of the radio connection between the dock and the aircraft.
  6. Battery Level : Charge level of the aircraft in percents of the total capacity (i.e. includes all batteries on the aircraft).
  7. Reboot Dock Button : Reboot the dock. This can be necessary while debugging.
  8. Return To Home Button : Command the aircraft to return to the dock immediately. Often use to cancel a flight task.
  9. Simulation Switch : Toggle simulation mode. When enabled, all flights will happen in the aircraft embedded simulator. The dock will still open and closes normally.
  10. Debug Switch : Toggle debug mode. When enabled, the dock is in debug mode and normal operations of the Dock are blocked.
  11. Aircraft Switch : Turn aircraft on and off. Aircraft turns off automatically when idle if the cover is closed and the dock is not in debug mode.
  12. Light Switch : Turns light of the dock's camera on and off. This settings does not persist over time.
  13. Cover Switch : Open or close the dock's covers.
  14. Putter Switch : Open or close the dock's putters (only for Dock 1).
  15. Charger Mode Switch : Change aircraft battery charge mode. In "Standby" mode, the battery is charged up to 95%. In "Schedule" mode, the battery is charged up to 60%.
  16. Photo Mode Switch : Change the type of image captured and uploaded to cloud. Click "RGB1" for Dock 1 and "RGB2" for Dock 2.
  17. Stream Mode Switch : Change the type of image streamed to the dashboard. Click "RGB1" for Dock 1 and "RGB2" for Dock 2.
  18. Stream Quality Switch : Change the quality of the stream as sent by the dock. Set to "Auto" or "LD" when the dock has a limited internet bandwidth.
  19. Last Wayline Result : Raw result message for the last flight. This shows if the flight experienced any error and how many media were saved to aircraft storage.
  20. Storage Usage : Storage space used on dock and aircraft in MB. This should theoretically be 0 MB when the Dock is idle (i.e. done uploading all media to cloud). In practice it's usually <100 MB. If needed, both aircraft and dock internal storage can be formated.
  21. Media Upload Progress : First section shows message from the Dock telling media were uploaded to the temporary S3 cloud storage. Second section shows active transfer from the temporary S3 cloud storage to the DroneDeploy pipeline.
  22. Distance Limits : Maximal horizontal and vertical distance from the dock allowed for the aircraft in m. Attempting to start a flight that exceeds those limit will result in a failure. Limits can be easily adjusted to preset values.
  23. Robotics Agent Pane : Version of the robotics agent currently running. Clicking "Soft Reset" restart on the DJI-related component. Clicking "Hard Reset" stop the entire agent process and start the latest agent version.
  24. DJI Firmware Pane : Versions of the dock and the aircraft firmware. Click on the relevant device model name to start the remote upgrade. Dock and aircraft are automatically upgraded to the latest version tested with DroneDeploy. The remote upgrade process is long (~15 min) and very sensitive to network failures.
  25. Connectivity Status : Shows if we are currently receiving messages from the dock and the aircraft.