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DJI AirSense is an alert system that uses ADS-B technology to give drone pilots enhanced situational awareness and help them make responsible decisions while flying. This feature gathers flight data sent automatically from nearby aircraft with ADS-B transmitters, analyze it to detect potential collision risks and throw warnings when a risk is detected.



DescriptionArray of active AirSense alerts
PushEvery 2s
DJI BindingsEvent airsense_warning



icaostringCivil aviation aircraft identifier
levelintCollision risk level rated from 0 to 4. The higher the level, the higher the risk. For levels greater than or equal to 3, it is recommended for the pilot to take action.
latitudefloatCurrent latitude of the detected aircraft in degrees.
longitudefloatCurrent longitude of the detected aircraft in degrees.
altitudefloatCurrent absolute altitude of the detected aircraft in meters.
altitudeTypestringIf "wgs84", altitude is the height above Earth ellipsoid. If "amsl", altitude is the altitude above sea level.
headingfloatHeading angle in degrees.
verticalDistancefloatRelative height between detected aircraft and controlled aircraft in meters.
verticalTrendstringIf "decrease", the detected aircraft is getting closer. If "increase", the detected aircraft is getting further. If "constant", verticalDistance remains the same.
horizontalDistancefloatRelative distance between detected aircraft and controlled aircraft in meters.


"icao": "B-5931",
"level": 3,
"latitude": 12.23,
"longitude": 12.23,
"altitude": 100.0,
"altitudeType": "wgs84",
"heading": 89.1,
"verticalDistance": 80,
"verticalTrend": "constant",
"horizontalDistance": 150.0